
LaundryCares Sponsors

We Value Their Support

Our sponsoring companies help the LaundryCares Foundation to provide the services and events we do to the communities we serve. Their financial support and the resources they give are invaluable assets to our ongoing efforts in hosting Free Laundry Day events, children’s literacy programs such as “Wash Time Is Talk Time”, and the education and information resources we create to expand our reach. These organizations are responsible for helping laundry business owners throughout the country with their high quality products and services, and they are instrumental to the success of self-service laundries.


Donate Today

Donate Today

Won't you consider helping us with a charitable donation. We are a 501(c)3 organization, so your donation is tax deductible. Your generous support is greatly appreciated.

LaundryCares Foundation Corporate Donors

Our corporate donors support the LaundryCares Foundation’s mission to enrich the communities of our members through programming that addresses unmet needs of laundry customers.

Interested in becoming a corporate donor of the LaundryCares Foundation? Contact Executive Vice President, Dan Naumann via email at [email protected] or call (262) 505-3915

Laundry Cares Foundation Gold Donors
Continental Girbau
Laundry Cares Foundation Silver Donors

In-Kind Sponsors

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